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What’s Your Question? for July 11

What was the mark of the beast?

The book of Revelation is written in symbolic language. It describes a conflict between Christ and His followers and the Roman Empire and those who worshiped the image of the emperor. Those who would not worship the image were persecuted or killed, but those who worshiped it received a mark (Rev. 13:15-18). The 666 has been applied to Nero, the Catholic Church, Martin Luther, Hitler and others, and to worshipping on Sunday. About two hundred years after Revelation was written, Constantine legalized the Christian religion, recognizing its right to hold property. He did not make Christians observe Roman rules, nor change the day of worship, but legalized what Christians were doing. The mark of the beast identified those of the first century as being worshipers of the Roman emperor who was the Sea beast of Revelation.


                       Copyright Midway Church of Christ 2014    This page last modified July 03, 2014